My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Friends Share (Jimmy's Erotic Adventures #1)
When Jimmy Blore encounters an alien and it tells him he needs to find it's mate, he's not exactly brimming with excitement. Not until he finds out the locket he's been given can change behavior, arouse women, and that in order to find the alien's needed mate?
He may have to arouse every woman in the state.
Now Jimmy's excited. After all, isn't it polite to help others?
A short 6,900 word erotic story that begins Jimmy's erotic adventures.
This is the first book by Desiree Cummings the story is unique we meet Jimmy who is a normal everyday nice guy that appears to get taken advantage of by his male friends and the girls in his life. Jimmy is what some would call a nerd, girls are nice to him so he will do there homework.
One evening Jimmy is playing lookout for his friend so he can make out with a girl, Jimmy bored still starts wondering around the empty house and he see's glowing red eyes in the corner, a man steps out from the corner and hands Jimmy a necklace with a locket on it.
He then tells Jimmy that he has been choosen to help him to find the strangers mate. The stanger begins to explains to Jimmy how the locket works, telling Jimmy he has to arouse women and see what colour the locket changes to, when the locket turns blue he is to bring that woman back to him as this is his mate. Jimmy doesn't really understand the situation but at this point doesn't say no to the idea.
Friends Share is exactly like the title say Jimmy erotic adventures.
I would say it was light erotica at this point but it could change in the next book.
I would classify these books as erotica/science fiction.
The story is unique, but if you like your erotica short and fast this is a book for you.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Careful With Revenge (Jimmy's Erotic Adventures, #2)
Rebecca was the woman that made Jimmy realize where he belonged. Now that he had the locket, it was time to repay the favor. The warning from the alien comes back to haunt him though when the situation starts to get out of control...
Can Jimmy get out in time before his locket gets him killed? And if he does, will there be pie afterwards?
A short erotic story. 6,345 words of Journeys for Jimmy
Jimmys adventures continues, this time Jimmy is out for a bit of revenge on a girl who humilated him in front of her friends.
The thing is he may of got his revenge but the young woman he liked caught of glimse of what was going on.
There is also another side to this story, women who have whips.
This is another short and fast erotica novel, you must read if you want to see what Jimmy is up to.
Whipping Women
Ebook By Desiree Cummings
Rating: Not yet rated.
Published: Nov. 29, 2011
Category: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica
Words: 6517 (approximate)
Language: English
Ebook Short Description ON SMASHWORDS:
Jason is an average student, tracking the elusive Jimmy myth along with a few other buddies. He has a different purpose though than sex to find the mysterious Jimmy. He wants to know how he has his power, and maybe, help him get the love of his life.
Extended Description
Jason is an average student, tracking the elusive Jimmy myth along with a few other buddies. He has a different purpose though than sex to find the mysterious Jimmy. He wants to know how he has his power, and maybe, help him get the love of his life. It gets tough to ask Jimmy a question though, every time he gets a chance, his conscience doesn't feel like he should bother him. Then again, it might have something to do with the new women that are twirling their whips…
A short erotic story that's part of Journeys of Jimmy.
This is the 3rd book towards Jimmy's erotic adventures, the short stories are short and sweet with a touch of erotica in all of the stories so far.
This story introduced a new character who like Jimmy has one woman he would rather be with then having sex with many different women. He just wants to ask Jimmy a question and in thrust into Jimmy's adventures.
Over all the 3 stories a what I would say a lite erotica novel and maybe that is just from my point of view as I have read alot of different genre's.
The stories are easy to read they flow and are fast, not alot of descriptions and not a wordy series. Sometimes I think they could of been a bit longer with more descriptions.
I will say they are erotica/science fiction/fantasy.